Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Upcoming GIV Events

Sept 2 11am Eucharistic Adoration
Sept 7 4:30pm GIV meeting
Sept 8 7:50am GIV Mass (preceded by class/program photos?)

Sunday, August 28, 2005

How to Post

I was asked recently, "how would I post on the blog?"

Once you respond to the invitation e-mail, go to www.blogger.com, type in your username and password, and from there it should be obvious.

Friday, August 26, 2005


I have recently invited all the graduate students for whom I have e-mail addresses to join this blog as a contributor. If I have missed someone, please notify me and they will also receive an invitation.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Room available

I have one room available for the coming semester. If you hear of someone looking for a room, especially those associated with AMU, drop me a line. No women.

Friday, August 05, 2005

The results are in...

Since I scored as John Paul I on the 20th century popes quiz, and he is 'hard to get to know' I thought I'd post the others: Sacramental Model of the Church on the Dulles quiz and Karl Barth on the theologians quiz. "But Barth wasn't even Catholic!" I hear you saying. True--there were 2 out of the 10 theologians who served as the 'answers' who were Catholic, and neither Aquinas nor Newman was among them; My 'Barth' score tied my Anselm score (73), edging out my Augustine score (67). I also ended up with a 73 on John Calvin. What does it mean? I'm going to go do a little soul-searching now. :) Maybe I've been hanging out with the Southern Baptists too much?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Rooms taken

The rooms I had available have been taken for the coming semester.